27 Weeks
Okay, here's another pregnancy picture...I'm at 27 weeks. I no longer fit into any of my old clothes, but I'm still too small for most of my friends' larger maternity clothes. I've had some fun shopping for bargain maternity clothes at Old Navy, Gap, & Kohls (though I'm pictured below in some of the loaners that did actually fit!) :D
So we've discarded all the names we were considering before for various reasons (too common, rhyming issues, didn't like the nickname)...and the latest official name is:
Kyra MeiLee Tucker
Sorry that your vote didn't mean anything...thanks for voting anyway... :D We think this is the final name, unless the ultrasound tech was wrong and she turns out to be a he! :P
It's good to see an update! :-)
Chris Wass, at 2:39 PM
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