August - Kyra's first baseball game
Kyra really continued to amaze us with her progress in August - she began crawling for the first time. Exciting and scary at the same time as we began to realize how much child proofing had to be done. August was also Kyra's first full month in daycare as Ang's Mom headed back to Michigan in late July (we are so grateful for her help with Kyra all this time). She did unfortunately get her first ear infection and had a pretty bad fever, but recovered pretty well - and seemed to adapt reasonably well to all the changes daycare brings. In late August, Bob's Mom came out for a visit, that included a trip to Kyra's first regular season baseball game, when the Cubs played the D-backs. Unlike a lot of babies, Kyra likes to wear hats pretty well instead of pulling them off, sporting her Cubs spirit at home:
But then it was off the game - and Kyra was sporting a cute Cubs outfit:
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