Something in the Milk

Her Uncle Eric came to visit from Portland that weekend, and Aunt Jaime and cousins, Cassie & Gina came down as well. Here's a picture of Uncle Eric & Kyra after treasure hunting for a $3000 certificate in Papago Park. Alas, we did not find the treasure that weekend.
A milestone for Kyra...a couple of weeks ago, she learned to roll from her back to her tummy. Unfortunately, she does not like being on her tummy for very long and cannot quite figure out how to roll to her back. However, if you roll her back, she will promptly roll to her tummy again. :P
Our first Mother's Day was very nice. Daddy & Kyra bought Mommy a locket with Kyra's birthstone and then took her and Grandma out to breakfast. Here's a picture out in the backyard from that day. Kyra also turned 4 months old on Mother's Day. We weighed her in at 16 lbs and measured her at 25 inches!! This puts her at 75th percentile for length and 90th percentile for weight. Only 2 months ago she was charting 50th percentile...must be something in the milk! :D
That 3 month photo is super cute!
Chris Wass, at 9:13 AM
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