September - Kyra's excellent adventures
This month was filled with lots of new experiences for Kyra. Such as: going swimming in the "big person" pool:
Seeing horses during a visit to Aunt Jaime's house for cousin Gina's 5th b-day party:
And in a very exciting (oh yeah, and did we say scary?!?) "step", Kyra started to stand by pulling herself on furniture. She looks like she is going to be an early walker:
The big trip of the month was flying to Portland to visit friends and family. We stayed at Chad and Raquel's house (Thanks!) where, among other things, Kyra tried to eat Nathan's train (one of her many nicknames is "Kyra-zilla" - this picture illustrates):
The weather was great in Portland, and that meant fun outdoor stuff, like Kyra's first trip to a zoo:
It also meant getting to visit family, first Uncle Eric and Aunt Trish came up from Eugene:
The last full day included a nice breakfast with a lots of Ang's family - Great Aunt and Great Uncle, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Mike - here are a few pix:

At the very end of month, cooler temperatures in Phoenix meant Kyra getting to play in our backyard for the first time - notice the golf ball in her hand - can you say "Tiger Kyra" ??