
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Chop, chop!

I wanted to get my haircut to get some length off, so I could wear it down more. I was going to cut about 4-5 inches off and when my stylist, Ashley, looked at it, she wanted to cut off a little more to donate to Locks of Love. I said that would be cool, and this is how it turned out. A little shorter than planned, but still very cute. Besides, it will always grow back. :D It's very light which is good for summer! :P

For reference for those of you who haven't seen me in a hair reached past the light blue band in the back of my shirt...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Baby Stuff

So we narrowed our choices of names down to 3 (Alana, Caitlin, & Jacquelyn). You can vote for your favorite on the link below and it may or may not impact our decision. :P
Vote now!

Also, I joined a parenting website... It seems pretty cool. There's lots of advice from other parents around the world and you can post pictures and your own stuff. Our site on this is

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Pregnancy Progress

As a note: I am truly going to make an effort to blog on a more regular basis since I'm feeling a little better. I've posted updates for May, June, & July if you keep reading down. :D

So here I am at 17 weeks (yes, I don't fit into my regular pants anymore)...

and here is our baby...

So according to the ultrasound tech, she was pretty positive it's a girl, but we have another appointment next month where we'll find out for sure. :D

We've started looking at girls' names and have narrowed down the list of first names to:
Alana, Caitlin, Jacquelyn, Jenna, Melodie, or Merissa.

Her middle name will be Meilee after my mom's name (Yang-mei) and Bob's mom's middle name (Lee).