
Saturday, December 03, 2005


Okay, so the clutter is driving me crazy but the purging is being delayed by life's many activities...I'm going to save it for the holiday break. On Saturday, November 12th, I attended a couple of showers for a couple of Stacys. :D I drove Brig, because she was jet-lagged from returning from her trip to Italy.

The first was a bridal shower held for one of my belly dance friends, Stacy Jenkins. It was a lot of fun, and thankfully, there weren't a lot of games. :D Here's a picture of Stacy showing off her new lingerie

The second shower was a baby shower held for my first cubemate and fellow rotational engineer at Motorola, Stacy Johnson. It was quite posh decorated in a French bistro style with a gazebo, chocolate fondue fountain, and lots of yummy food! Here's a picture of Stacy with an amazing diaper cake she received:


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